#development #elixir #phoenix

If you've recently updated your Phoenix/Elixir application and encountered a warning related to the Gettext backend, you're not alone. With newer versions of the Phoenix framework and the Elixir ecosystem, some older ways of defining Gettext backends have been deprecated. In this post, we'll walk through what the warning means and how to update your project to use the new approach.

The Warning

You might see a warning message like this in your terminal:

warning: defining a Gettext backend by calling

    use Gettext, otp_app: ...

is deprecated. To define a backend, call:

    use Gettext.Backend, otp_app: :my_app

Then, instead of importing your backend, call this in your module:

    use Gettext, backend: MyApp.Gettext

The Gettext library is widely used in Phoenix applications to handle internationalization (i18n) and translations. With the recent changes, the way we define Gettext backends has been modernized, and older methods are now deprecated.

But don't worry—it's quite easy to fix this!

Understanding the Changes

Previously, you might have defined your Gettext module like this:

1defmodule MyAppWeb.Gettext do
2  use Gettext, otp_app: :my_app

And in your other modules, you would import this backend by doing:

1import MyAppWeb.Gettext

However, this approach is deprecated. The updated way to define a backend is to use Gettext.Backend in the module responsible for translations and to adjust the way you use it in other modules. Let's walk through the update process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Warning

1. Update the Gettext Backend Definition

The first thing you need to do is update the definition of your Gettext module. Open lib/my_app_web/gettext.ex and change the use Gettext line to use Gettext.Backend instead.


1defmodule MyAppWeb.Gettext do
2  use Gettext, otp_app: :my_app


1defmodule MyAppWeb.Gettext do
2  use Gettext.Backend, otp_app: :my_app

This small change tells Phoenix to use the new backend behavior without any breaking changes to the rest of your application.

2. Update Modules That Use Gettext

In the modules where you previously imported the Gettext backend using:

1import MyAppWeb.Gettext

You'll need to update them to use the new way of bringing the backend into scope. The new syntax is use Gettext, backend: MyAppWeb.Gettext.

For example, if you had this before:

1defmodule MyAppWeb.SomeModule do
2  import MyAppWeb.Gettext

You'll want to change it to:

1defmodule MyAppWeb.SomeModule do
2  use Gettext, backend: MyAppWeb.Gettext

This change is simple and straightforward, and it ensures that your modules are using the correct Gettext backend behavior as per the new standards.

Why the Change?

This update provides better structure and flexibility for managing Gettext backends across different parts of your application. By separating the backend definition (Gettext.Backend) from how it's used in other modules, Phoenix is promoting a cleaner and more modular approach to internationalization, making it easier to scale applications with complex i18n needs.


Updating to the new Gettext.Backend approach in Phoenix is a minor change that ensures your application is up-to-date with best practices. By following these steps:

  1. Update the backend definition with use Gettext.Backend, otp_app: :my_app.
  2. Use use Gettext, backend: MyAppWeb.Gettext instead of importing the module.

Your application will be free from the deprecation warnings, and you'll be leveraging the latest improvements in the Phoenix ecosystem. This change keeps your project modern, maintainable, and future-proof.