🔗 Is Linux collapsing under its own weight? On Rust for Linux
Recently, one of the developers of the Rust for Linux project, Wedson Almeida Filho, resigned from the project. In his parting message, he linked a video of a filesystem maintainer shouting at him. Afterward, Asahi Lina, developer of the Apple GPU drivers for Linux (which have not been upstreamed yet), posted a series of threads on Mastodon (first one), expressing sympathy for Wedson and her own frustrations with maintainers and Rust from the DRM perspective. While it's tempting to look at this as just "Rust haters vs Rust pushers" drama, I think these signal deeper issues in Linux, both technical and cultural (which often feed into each other). In this article, I'll summarize the issues for those unfamiliar and speculate where it could lead.
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