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Phoenix's LiveView has polarized our team. Compared to SPA, there are components and features that we're able to build 2-3x faster. Conversely, there are components and features that are frustrating to build or feel very counterintuitive.
Said another way, LiveView makes a lot of things easy. But it also makes some easy things hard.
This created tension. Do we keep forging down this path? Or do we give in and convert our app to a SPA?
Fortunately, we found a companion library called LiveSvelte. LiveView enables a development experience with Svelte that's unlike any other fullstack paradigm I've used.
The team agrees: this is a killer way to build.
To appreciate the LiveView+Svelte paradigm, I'll start by explaining how LiveView works and what makes it different. Then, I'll detail the friction we encountered with a pure LiveView approach. At that point, you'll be able to appreciate what LiveSvelte offers.
continue reading on blog.sequinstream.com
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