Get your ngrok free domain

As we need to whitelist the domains on DocuSign, it is important to get a static domain. For this, we use the service called β€œngrok”. You can get a static domain like by following the instructions here. In a nutshell, you need to:

  1. Create an account on
  2. Navigate toΒ Cloud Edge > Domains.‍
  3. Follow the prompts to claim your unique, static domain.

Install valet

Follow the instructions here. It's basically a two-step process.

First, use composer to install Valet:

composer global require laravel/valet

and then configure it using the install command:

valet install

Install ngrok

Install the ngrok tool using Homebrew:

brew install ngrok

Running ngrok when using valet

Run the following command to start ngrok tunnelling your local installation:

cd ~/Documents/code/mysite # Path may be different
valet share --domain=<your-id>

You should then be able visit your local install by navigating to:


Running ngrok when using Laravel Herd

When you use Laravel Herd, the command is slightly different:

ngrok http contractify.test --domain=<your-id> --host-header=rewrite

You should then be able visit your local install by navigating to:
