#development #elixir #phoenix #reading-list

🔗 Spice up your LiveView app with a cool loading spinner!

When developing applications, it's common to encounter scenarios where a user's request takes longer than expected. This delay can result from various factors like data transformation, external API calls, or slow database queries.

Fortunately, when constructing a Phoenix app that leverages the capabilities of LiveView, enhancing the user experience by incorporating spinners for such extended requests is a breeze.

The behavior I aim to illustrate is as follows:

  • The user encounters the "Load Data" button on the interface.
  • Upon clicking, we simulate an extended request by introducing a :timer.sleep(2000).
  • While the request loads the necessary data, a spinner becomes visible.

It might seem trivial, but from a user perspective, this serves as valuable feedback, helping them understand that the request might take a couple of seconds to complete.

continue reading on dev.to

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