In this post, we will learn how to build a select input component using Phoenix LiveView and a vanilla JS Hook. This is a solid introduction on how to implement custom and interactive components in Phoenix LiveView. You will also learn how to handle keyboard navigation, JS-to-LiveView communication, and how to fix re-rendering issues.

There are already a couple of articles on the web about this but none of them fitted my needs. I wanted to build a select component that you can plug in a LiveView form to replace a classic select input.

Here are the features I wanted to implement:

  • Custom option item rendering (including images),
  • Auto-complete,
  • Compatible with Phoenix forms,
  • Keyboard navigation.

To use our component, we will build a simple form to create a new employee object. The form will have a select field to choose the employee's country. We will use a sample list of countries as the select options.

I will cover every step to build this component from scratch, starting from a newly generated Phoenix LiveView project. We will be using Phoenix LiveView 1.7 with TailwindCSS.

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